The first known Mummenthey in Germany is Diderike Mummentey at
Lüdersen (west of Hannover, the capital city of Lower Saxony) as
lender in a loan contract dated 29th of September 1384. If you click onto the
link you can find diderike mumenteyge to ludersen in the second
row (the last four words) and in the middle of the fifteenth row diderike
mummeteye. It must have been his son who studied in 1406/09 at the universities of Erfurt
and Leipzig. About 1425 the name increased around Hannover and by moving eastward
the Mummenthey families will have a general peak in occurence about 1600 in
Oerie, Hannover, Lobke (near Hildesheim) and Osterode/Buntenbock (Harz) . These
Harzer Mummenthey families established the widest line, spreading all over
Germany and the world accompanied by the Weißenborn-Lüderode line Mumdey/Mumedy also with
Osteroder origin.
In America you will find (Mummenthey, Mumenthey, Momenthy, Momedy, Mumedy)
just as in Germany (Mummenthey, Mummendey, Mumdey, Mummelthey, Mummentei, Mummenthei) a wide
variety in spelling and pronouncing the original name Mummenthey. But you can always find in
the archieves and church registers that there often is a change in spelling just mentioning
the same person due to a change of the writer (another handwriting) and his phonetical transscription.
The first known Mummenthey emigrant is August Wilhelm Mummenthey who went
in 1827 to Oaxaca, Mexico and founded a great Mexican Mumenthey family.
He was followed by Edward Bruno Mummenthey who established in 1864 a
Restaurant in Baltimore, USA and changed his name to Momenthy.
the early years of the twentieth century Karl Hermann Mummenthey
emigrated as a young boy to New York. His name is kept with the original
spelling until today. His brother Wilhelm Heinrich Mummenthey followed
in 1905. The ancestor of all these Mummentheys is Frantz Daniel Mummenthei from
Buntenbock/Harz who was born about 1660 in Osterode/Harz, Germany.
Johann Andreas Mumdey, born 14.8.1866 in
Weißenborn-Lüderode/Eichsfeld could have traced his roots to the
Mummmendey/Mummenthey families in his village until 1671. In Montana, USA he
altered his name to Andrew Mumedy.
The following links will lead to special sides, where ancestry and families of these Mummenthey people should be published: